Mozambican Landscape, 48” x 48”, 2025.
I continue to paint these Mozambican Landscapes over and over again and each time still find new moments of beauty and intricacies in the lives that so many fishermen live and in the simplistic, yet stunning, surrounding landscape. Every time I am in Mozambique, I am shocked by the way the water and the sky seem to blend together to form one. Although I did not focus on this aspect in this landscape and chose to separate the water and the sky with a sandbar, I was very aware of the continuation of colours between the sky and the water.
The Shrimpers #1 and The Shrimpers #2, 2023, 48” x 36”.
Since seeing these Shrimpers docked near Shem Creek I always knew that I would eventually paint them. These are my first paintings where I see my art making a transition from purely South African and Mozambican inspiration to incorporate Charleston and my life in America. I have been obsessed with painting Mozambican dhows for years and I can see an obsession with painting the Charleston Shrimpers slowly starting.
Name and description to come…
Just a moment. 48” x 36”. 2024.
Sharing special places, especially ones of isolation that are full of years of memories, are full of small moments that you want to freeze for a lifetime. Including a portrait style pose in my paintings is unusual for me but this was a memory that I wanted to freeze and hold close and there is no better way to do that then through a painting.
The Mnyameni Jump. 48” x 36”. 2023. SOLD.
Every December we went to load up the car and drive to the east coast of South African to an area called Mnyameni. We would stay in a tiny house on a lagoon and one of our favorite activities was to hike up to a waterfall to spend the day there - when I was little it always felt like the longest hike in the world but none of us minded because we were greeted by the best jump off a cliff into the cold water when we arrived at the waterfall. This painting is of the cliff that I so fondly remember psyching myself up to jump off. I remember standing at the top for what seemed liked hours trying to convince myself to jump and when I finally did it was always the best feeling ever.
Manhattanhenge. 2023. 48” x 36”. SOLD.
I felt so incredibly lucky that my first night officially living in New York City fell on Manhattanhenge. I went with some of my favorite people to stand in the middle of 14th street with hundreds of other onlookers to watch the sunset, perfectly aligned with the east-west street grid of Manhattan. The yellow reflected off all of the buildings and filled the entire street - of course a photograph could never capture the feelings in that moment. As soon as I came back down to Charleston for a visit, this was the first painting I made.
Mozam Sailors. 36” x 36”. 2023. SOLD.
I don’t love going through the swell to get out to sea, the waves scare me and even in a boat with motors I feel like the current and the strength of the waves could roll the boat at any second. I remember sitting on the beach in Mozambique watching the fishermen heading out through the swell in a dhow - dhows may look graceful in pictures but they are incredibly heavy, wooden sailing boats. Fishermen use the wind and poling to get these boats to move - that is all the force they have! Watching these fishermen tacking through the waves to get out to sea was terrifying but since then I always pay special attention to these Mozambican Sailors and the grace with which they handle their boats. Mozambique is my favorite place on earth so any painting that reminds me of some part of our holidays there will always be particularly special to me and are my favorite to create - my paintings subject matter varies but I always come back to Mozambique and the dhows.
Are we the Rainbow Nation or is the Rainbow nation us? Oil on canvas. 2020. 48” x 48”. For sale.
Daily job. Oil paint on canvas. 2020. 30 x 45”. For sale.
Mining head or carriage wheel? Oil on canvas. 2020. 48” x 48”. NFS.
Falling. Oil on canvas. 2020. 48” x 30”. NFS.
Connecting to the landscape. Oil on canvas. 2020. 48” x 48”. For sale.
Pathways Home. Oil on canvas. 2020. 48" x 48”. For sale.
Charleston’s Pelicans. Oil on canvas. 2019. 30" x 40". NFS.
Out in the waves. Oil on canvas. 2019. 48" x 36". SOLD.
Mozambique fisherman. Oil on canvas. 2019. 30" x 48". SOLD.
Incomplete waterfall. Acrylic and oil paint on canvas. 2020. 60 x 45”. SOLD.